
Welcome to NemontCircuits

Your One Stop Shop For Circuit Soft Quotes

We have created this site for our customers to submit circuit soft quotes and to view their status.
If you have any questions contact our Circuits Team.

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About Us

The best local and nationwide wireless service, high-speed Internet, business solutions, and reliable landlines.

Our Story

Nemont Telephone Cooperative is a facilities based telecommunications service provider serving over 14,000 square miles of Northeastern Montana, Northwestern North Dakota, South Central Montana, and Northern Wyoming.

Nemont Telephone Cooperative is committed to connecting our rural customers to the world through innovative Broadband, Wireless, Video and Wireline services.

Nemont's Cooperative Principles

Voluntary and Open Membership, Democratic Member Control, Member Economic Participation, Autonomy and Independence, Education, Training and Information, Cooperation Among Cooperatives, Concern for Community
Sean Ngu
Team Nemont
Submitted Soft Quotes
Completed Soft Quotes
Companies Served

Contact Us To Create An Account

Want to submit a circuit soft quote?

Fill in the form to request an account with us. Once approved we will contact you.

61 HWY 13 S / P.O. Box 600
Scobey, MT 59263
P: (800) 636-6680